Thursday, June 18, 2009


Today was, by far, the best day I have had in a long time :)

It all started with the entrepreneur conference, which was really inspiring and great and I am so happy the greed for extra credit caused me to go, because it really touched me.

after that this is how the rest of my day shaped up:
-the project that was 11 minutes late on tuesday, and therefor being docked 10%, is not on-time and not docked at all.
-African party :)
-Letters from Elder Weeks


DISCLAIMER: the computer I am typing on doesn't highlight typos, and I am not a very good speller, so please don't judge me.

Lately there have been several events that have caused a change in me--the kind that I think will stick around for a while. At least I hope it will this time. I attend a private university, Brigham Young University Idaho, for members of the LDS faith. Because of this, we have the oportuity to attend weekly devotionals that are given to the students and faculty by esteemed members of our faith. We have had some great leaders come speak to us throughout the years, and many great declarations have been made from the pulpit in the Hart auditorium. This summer I have made it a goal not to miss a single one. In this past teusday's "devo" we learned about the importance of our education and elevating ourselves to higher standards. Seince I had already made doing homework and avoiding playing my goal for the week, this message seemed extremely well timed and really hit home. This week I have had a drive and a desire to do my school work like never before; the funny think is that I am loving it. I made it a goal to avoid idle time and idle things, such as time wasted on the internet, unfruitful social interactions, and time spent doing things that don't have any benefit for me. It would be extremly hard to expaine all of the factors inside me that are driving me right now, but I trust them.
Upon returning to BYU-I this summer, I switched my major from business to communication, and I think that doing that was probably one of the best things I have ever done for myself. You have to follow your passions, and business was not my passion. I love this new major and all of the new ideas and jobs that it opens up to me. Bidness was interesting, but I wasn't cut out to think that way. That's simple not the way I'm wired.
Today I had a great expierecne: I had the oportunity to attend an entrepreneur conference held here on cmpus for business and comm majors. I originally only went to recieve the promised extra credit for two classes, but I found as i listened that i was filled with excitment and a desire to develop what was dubbed the "entrepreneur spirit".
At aproxametly 10 AM, TOMs shoes was introduced as a great example of entrepreneurship, and still hasn't left my mind. It is 1:23 now. The love people have for others, and the desire to give back is such a great gift, and if it's something you posess, I beg you to cultivate it. The world needs more people like that.
Basically, all of this drive to better myself and better the world has led me to the library, where I have spent the lst hour researching programs like TWLOHA and TOMs shoes and figuring out ways that I can get involved. It's still the internet, but at least it's productive.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Summer oh nine is really shaping up to be the summer of dreams. I love all of my classes, so that is making it a lot easier to get good grades. My mom told me if i get good grades this summer and in the fall I can go to New Zealand for the winter. Thats the best motivation I think I could be offered.

The other thing that has made this summer so great is the creation of SassyKat.

A lot of really great things are happening this summer and I am loving it.