Thursday, February 19, 2009


I'm about to get sick of these numbering posts, but now that I've started I feel trapped.  They looked so cool on Harpers page and photo albums.  

Hello List: The list of people you have to, or want to say "hello" to on a daily basis, especially relevant for students in university buildings, or coworkers in a work place.  Some people might decide to put you on their hello lists, even if they are not on yours; however, reciprocity is typically expected.


Katherine Ann Fleming is having the best week ever!

Starting my week with Saturday, Feb. 14th, this has been the best week of my life, and will continue to be so until tomorrow--friday Feb. 20

SATURDAY the 14th:  Temple Trip.
I spent Valentines day at the temple with the YSA in my area an dinkytown.  It has been years since I have been--true story (unfortunately)--but it was FABULOUUUUS!
SUNDAY the 15th: Church. :)
This is the first time in my life I hav woken up STOKED to go to church, and it was great.
MONDAY the 16th: Presidents Day
Thank you Lincoln, Washington, Bush, and Obama.  No school= No work.
THURSDAY the 17th= Letter From Elder Maximilian Simnitt. :)
nuff said.
WEDNESDAY the 18th: Day off, Institute.
THURSDAY the 19th: Back to work
Work=Money in the Bank.  Scotharoos=parents letting you nap the evening away :)
FRIDAY the 20th: Temple trip round two.
:) :) :)