Today after cleaning my room, doing some homework, and trying to get settled into a new semester I decided to watch THE BURIED LIFE on my computer and take a little break from mundane things.
I've been thinking a lot lately about everything that I have done in the last year, and where I was in my life a year ago. So much has changed and happened and it has really made me think a lot about where else my life will take me and what else there is in the years to come.
That being said, here is my official BUCKET LIST.
- serve a mission for the church.
- get married in the temple.
- visit all 50 states.
- graduate from college.
- be homeless for a summer on a beach in Hawaii.
- sleep under the stars. No tent.
- Learn to drive stick
- get in fierce shape.
- be published.
- join the peace corpus.
- make a record.
- ride an elephant in india.
- land a 360.
- land a 180.
- learn to drop in on a skateboard.
- go to a karaoke bar.
- return to rome.
- run a 5k.
- break a world record.
- adopt a dog.
- live in boston.
- live in europe.
- get more heavily into creating art: painting, drawing, music, poetry...
- festival of holi. round two
- sundance film festival
- mexico
- australia
- india
- new zealand
- walk across the golden gate bridge
- backpack through europe
- learn to do a cartwheel
- fly a plane
- learn to surf
- fall in love
- see the pyramids
- see the leaning tower of pisa
- see the phantom of the opera
- DJ in a club/at a party
- learn to do a back hand spring
- scuba dive
- ride in a hot air balloon
- watch a sunset/sunrise in all 50 states
the things that I have successfully accomplished so far:
- ... on campus
- be blonde.
- write and preform a song.
- keep curfew.
- festival of holi.
- italy
- london
- france
- ride a segway
- ghost ride the whip
- crepes in france
- gilatto in italy
- learn to wakeboard