Thursday, December 17, 2009

the end is in sight...

This semester has gone faster than any other one, and I feel like it's conclusion is way longer, more stressful, and crazier than semesters past.  I am also surprised how quickly it came up considering how eager I am for the next two semesters to be here.
I technically could be done with school now, but there is an optional advertising final tomorrow morning and I am going to take it and see if i can squeeze out a B+.  That is at 7:30 in the morning.  Kill me.  But I know that i should do it.

I think this is going to be the closest I have ever been to my goal of 4.0!

Monday, December 14, 2009


tech deck+candy+toy dog+FUN t-shirt=great day.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

8 days

Until I fly home.  I know this because I made a count down and taped it to my laptop.  I can't believe this semester went so fast.  I also can't believe that I am coming back winter, and going to europe next summer.  2010 is going to be great.
On a completely unrelated note,  I got an A in public relations as my final grade!  Also, my presentation group got the highest score in the entire class!  96%!  On  monday my advertising group will present out pitch to Bella Coolla Pizza.  I'm actually kind of excited about it.
All I have to do this weekend, is write up my oral presentation for poetry, make some visuals for the ad. presentation, study for my world religion final, and make some flash cards for the ad. final.  Considering the list I was lookin' at last weekend, this will be  a cake walk.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Glee season finale:

did not disappoint.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


My brain is so scrambled, I think if i turned my head over it would all run out my ear.

Finals week always means I am runnin' on little to no sleep, which leaves me giddy and silly and kind of irritable.

Today was a lot better than this weekend, I was totally wigging out on sunday.



Thanks to my bffl, I discovered the show GLEE.  Thanks to finals I have had the opportunity to watch it a lot lately.  They have an episode, in some sense, dedicated to hair.  Well HAIROGRAPHY, which is essentially flashy hair and sass.  Because of this I have decided to dedicate an entry to my hair goals, especially since my bestie just gave me a new one.

Monday, December 7, 2009

little letters

I found this blog called rockstar diaries last winter when I was home. It is still one of my faves. today her post was titles "Little Letters" so i decided to do my own...

Dear finals,
please don't kill me

Dear Minnesota,
I can't wait to see you again! Only 13 more days :)

Dear text books, pens, and notebooks,
This semester has been good. thanks for studying with me every day!

Dear jacket, pea coat, mittens, and scarf,
Thank you so much for keeping my snugglie warm while walking through wind and snow to class each day.

Dear Library,
Thank you for always having working internet and desks to lay your head on and take a nap.

Dear Rubik's cube,
That you for coming back into my life.

Dear television,
Thank you for broadcasting Glee and the Disney channel so I have things to watch while I make flash cards.

Dear road map I used as a visual for P.R,
You look so good. I can't wait to give my Public Relations presentation just so I can show you off.

Dear Lakewood Colorado,
Thank you for being the dot on the map I choose to be you when i could not remember which one you actually were.

Dear roommate who put the thermostat on
please refrain from doing so in the future.
I do not like to like in a sauna.

Dear Pinky,
You are such a trooper. Not even the bitter cold weather gets you down. you turn over and start up every time I need you.

Dear Baby Backpack,
I promise I will patch you before winter semester starts.
Thank you for holding up for this long.

Dear Winter 2010,
Please hurry!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009



she keeps me grounded


I really hope this doesn't kill me:

-oral report
-take home final
Public Relations
-Group Project
-flip charts, graphs, and maps
-Group Project
-press release
-storyboards, advertisements, collaboration
-Final Exam
World Religions
-Final Exam
-Persuasive Speech
-Impromptu Speech

will someone please tell me how I am supposed to do this all in two weeks?!

If I don't make it through the end of this semester I leave Pinkerton to my mom, my art supplies to Amy doll, and all of my books to Christine.