Saturday, January 31, 2009


Baby Charlotte is the most presh.
When I was helping my Mom clean out her closet the other day we found a bag FULL of stuffed Pikachus.  Like 20 of them, no lie.  It also had some pictures of pokemon, trading cards, and about 50 little plastic pokeballs from McDonald's.  Only about 10 of the toys that came in the Pokeballs were still there.
Charlotte apparently liked this Picachu and took it over as a day bed--along with abby's bed, abby's tent, pinkerton's bed, oliver's upstairs bed and downstairs bed, the couch, and any thing soft she can get on.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I miss Charlotte!
Kristen told me that her friend who has hua puppies still has one that hasn't been bought yet. I want it! But Kristen also thinks that Mom wouldn't like that idea which is probably true. But I still really really want it! I've been really wanting a dog lately.