Monday, March 23, 2009


Not that I don't love all things American, but I find other cultures far more interesting and complling. Espically Greek, Indian, and Aztek/Aboriginal.
I guess i love native american cultures, so theres one for the red white and blue.
I've said this before, but I really want to travel the world.
I think I will go to BYU-I this summer (obviously) and next fall, go home next winter, and then summer 2010 go to eurpoe for a semester. That way I have a year to get my grades up and show my parents I am for real.
It also gives me a year to figure out how to get into a program.
After that I think I want to go to BYU-I year round and travel my own country.

Okay, serriously. Being a driver for the oscar meyer weinermobile would be like the flyyyest job ever. Do you thing they hire vegitarians?

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