Saturday, October 3, 2009

conference weekend.

beautiful thing of the day:
baby emperor penguin

A year ago I was in Utah going to conference in the conference center for the first time in my life with my dad and my sister. Today I watched it at Amy's house in Rexburg Idaho. My sister is all the way across the country in Virginia serving the Lord as a full time missionary, and I think mom said dad is away on business this weekend.
Even though we are very scattered, I love my family and we are very strong and very close.
I love conference weekend, it's like plugging yourself back into the power outlet and letting your battery light turn green again. Mine had been red for too long.
This weekend has barely started and already it has been great. Good friends and good times. (And good timing.)

Next weekend is BRAND NEW in SLC! I haven't been to a show in a really long time, and I have never seen brand new, so I am very excited. I love driving to utah, I love road trips, I love doing things that make me feel alive and make me happy. Some times you need to do things for you. I'm actually a terrible navigator. I get lost a lot. But, that's just part of life. Sometimes you take the wrong exit and have to find your own way back to civilization.

Thank goodness for street signs and people who are easy going.

today I am grateful for:
-beatles rockband
-music from high school
-instant friends
-my car
-the prophet
-technology that brings the saint together from all corners of the world
-teachers who instilled a curiosity for life and a desire to learn in me
-my family
-my friends
-private bedrooms
-my life and the fact that i am learning to LIVE, not just be alive.

1 comment:

monica said...

beatles rock band or BUST!