Monday, August 9, 2010

Be Your Own Hero.

This past year has been a bit of a whirl wind, but it's brought me some of the greatest insights I have ever had. It brought me to my knees, my sences, tears, Europe, MN, and just about everywhere else inbetween.

I'm almost 21 and about ready to go back out to school for one more semester, one more fall, one more batch of roommates, one more credit load, one more set of roommates, one more chance to grow.

It's really kind of amazing where life takes you when you stop trying to resist.


Unknown said...

ahh are your papers in yet?? :)

Taff said...

no not yet, but I'm going to start them when I get back to school and then submit them when I am home for x-mas so my pops can do them :)