Sunday, March 27, 2011

and in that moment i KNEW i was infinite.

This weekend I had the opportunity to go to oo-tah with my sissy and one of her mission buddies. We were going down for the Festival of Holi which is held each March in Spanish Fork, Utah at the local Krishna Temple. (Which is the largest Hare Krishna temple in America--pretty rad.)
I went last year with my roommate Cody and one of her friends from back home and was excited to go again. 
I could try and explain the concept of it to you; but, no matter how hard I try it only ever sounds like a huge (and strangely bizarre) hippie gathering.  Probably because that is exactly what it is.
It doesn't ever make much sense unless you have been there.

For as seemingly pointless as it is, and as nappy.dirty.gross as you come home I haven't felt that alive or beautiful or happy or full of purpose in a while.

We stayed with Christine's friend Kelli in Centerville, Utah this weekend. She is one of those people you just like as soon as you
 meet her. Last night she showed me and Christine a ton of things from her wedding plans and dreams a
nd we ended up spending hours online looking at beautiful things that inspire us:
Crafts and DIY decorations
Mason Jars
Flying Lanterns
Fire Flies

It has all inspired a new blog.
A home for hopes and dreams.

This weekend alone has made this semester worth it.
No plans are usually the best plan.
I love to just live by inspiration and go where the wind blows you.

I am so excited about my future.
And my present.
And so grateful for my past.
(Even the heavy times).

There are so many beautiful things all around us and so many miracles every single day. I am here to do something great--to be
 something great. We all are.

This weekend reminded me of some very important things I will be thinking about over the next few days and posting over the course of this week, but one thing I know I can go ahead and say right now without worrying about not having the right words yet is

[R E C E N T H I G H L I G H T S]